20 years - front cover 2

Victoria’s Models 2016 Calendar

Victoria’s Models is excited to announce our 2016 charity calendars are now available. We have worked with some exceptional Canberra talent, including photographers, models, hair stylists, makeup artists and fashion stylists to create a beautiful calendar in support of our nominated charity, Alphadog AnimalArmy. They are available for $20 each (inc. postage and GST). A […]


Acting work in Canberra

While Victoria’s Models is best known as a modelling agency, we also represent talent for commercial and acting work. We have some very talented and experienced actors on our books who are available for work in the Canberra region and beyond. We are excited to be working on two national miniseries currently filming in the […]

victorias models agency group photo

New agency website

Victoria’s Models is turning 20 this year.  During this time we have worked on some amazing campaigns and initiatives with some talented individuals, wonderful brands and clients. As a birthday gift to ourselves, we have redeveloped our agency website to include a number of new and user-friendly tools to  make the booking process smoother for […]